Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Ginette


Ginette says she misses 'the old me.'


I miss my old me. I miss – I am so serious now, I suck. Like I’m so, so – they tell me I’m boring. And it’s true because I’m so uneducated. I’m so not – like I don’t – I do, I live with fear every day thinking that I went through this once for no reason it could happen again, I don’t know, right. But you know I go to event or party I will have one drink that’s it, just one, just because it tastes good. But I want to get happy or I want to get in the party. I can’t convince myself to do it because I’m terrified what it could do to my heart. You know when we go do some crazy thing as we go canoeing, ‘Oh don’t rock the boat’ or we go in the plane, ‘Oh, you know, I hope nothing happens’ and everything in my life has like become such a serious thing because I never got help. They don’t – sure they tell me, ‘Oh relax, don’t take it so seriously’ – oh no I almost died, don’t worry about it, you know. How can you not take that seriously?

I want to live, you know, so – and that’s the part unfortunately that I think has affected me the most is to not get the mental help so that I would be in a better situation today about it. If I had got the information, the support, the assistance I probably would not be as serious as I am today. But I’m so serious about everything because, ‘Don’t eat those French fries, seriously don’t eat those French fries’ like it’s – you know. One French fry is not going to kill me, but one French fry every day over five years is not going to help me either, right? So I need fixing in my head but it’s, you know, I’m working on it.

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